Introduction About The CCTV Surveillance Cameras

CCTV Surveillance Cameras

Today, CCTV’s have become a part and parcel of our lives. Whether you enter a lavish hotel, park your vehicle in the arcade of a shopping mall, visit a jewelry showroom, step-in the premises of a big MNC or you’re giving an offline examination, all your activities are staked out by these cameras. But, have you ever pondered much on this? Do you know what exactly CCTV Camera is?

wireless security cameras

Well, CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television. It uses video camera to capture and then transmit video signals to the monitor. Display monitor then showcases or project the signals that are being received. By closed circuit, we mean that the signal is linked from any source device directly to the display monitor. On the other hand, we have open circuit televisions. An ideal example of OCT is satellite broadcasting. Here, the signals transmitted from the satellite and are received by the dish which acts as an input to a set-top box and we are able to watch our favorite program. In open circuits, everyone can have access to information who have subscribed to it. But, in closed circuits, the information is not available to everyone and hence, it becomes ideal for security purposes.

CCTV cameras are often termed as CCTV surveillance cameras where the term surveillance simply connotes- "continuous close inspection of a place". For security purposes and crime prevention, industrial CCTV security cameras come in various flavors.

Few to be quoted are:

  • For indoor security purposes, we have indoor cameras. Similarly, for outdoor security, we have outdoor cameras. Outdoor cameras are usually installed at the entrances and exits with a limited amount of lighting.
  • Next, in parking arcades and high-security zones, infrared day/night cameras find their applications.
  • In residential and commercial places, bullet cameras are used. A bullet type mounting is done on these which results in their waterproof nature and small size.
  • Vandal proof cameras are also available that have a strong material covering and a breakproof glass which makes them indestructible. This feature leads to high security.
  • Shopping malls use hidden cameras which are compact in size. These cameras are for secret monitoring.
  • These days, we find CCTV cameras on roads. Pan-tilt-zoom cameras are used here. These cameras have the ability to rotate automatically and zoom whenever required. This helps in detecting license plate numbers and facial descriptions.

Broadly speaking, CCTV cameras are segregated into two:

Wired CCTV system: information is transferred between the camera and a display monitor via twisted pair cables. 

Wireless CCTV system: information is transferred between camera and display monitor via radio transmitter and radio receiver. 

When the camera and display monitor are fathomed, wireless outdoor security cameras are used.

Next coming on to the merits of CCTV cameras, these can be quoted as follows:
  • Monitor traffic and public places: Areas with public congestion are most prone to crimes. People breaking the traffic rules can also be traced via CCTV.
  • High efficiency and security: People feel much secured under CCTV surveillance. Examinations, group discussions, and classes can be controlled more efficiently with the use of CCTV cameras.
  • Remote monitoring: Burglars and patrons can be tracked via remote monitoring resulting in fewer losses in business.
  • Crime eradication: The perpetrator can be detected easily with the help of CCTV security cameras resulting in crime eradication.
  • Fair decision making: When it comes to be just and solve issues between two parties, CCTV footage of crime location plays a vital role.
  • Maintain records: CCTV maintains records accurately-date wise for future use.
  • Professionalism: The novices can be trained about the office culture via CCTV footage.
These are just a few advantages of CCTV Security Camera. The CCTV technology is still advancing at a jet speed. Today, we're living in a hard-charging zone where cut-throat competition exists. People tend to get involved in malicious activities and the only thing that can protect you from these is a “CCTV surveillance camera”.

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