Components of Industry4.0 | Compucare India



Components which contribute to make industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is the revolution that shows how manufacturers changed their production process. It also  shows the development of county. Because manufacturing sector is that industry which contribute maximum in the GDP of country.

But you ever thought before that how this big revolution can be possible. See, there are many factors which contribute in industrial development but industry 4.0 is all about focus on industrial automation. And this automation can not be possible without other technological components.

so let’s get know that which components make factories industry 4.0 ready

Components of industry 4.0

following are the major  components which contribute to make industry 4.0

Big Data

Industry 4.0 concept based on automation of company. And every automation need large amount of data whether it is big or small automation. Because data need to enter in computer so that it reflect automatically. This is big challenge for manufacturing companies specially because there are production machines to make automatic. And also need to predict future. And data should be accurate to reflect. Too much data can create confusion. So research on big data is also important.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is the fastest utility growing solution almost for all industry. Most of the businesses use cloud computing to make business more convenient for user or customers. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services. Machine data and other functionality move towards cloud computing with the advancement of technology.  The cloud allows for a way faster roll out of updates, performance models, and delivery options than standalone systems.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is the key functionality of industry 4.0. IoT facilitate actual machine-to machine interaction without human involvement. IoT is a interrelated system of computing system and machinery, object and people that facilitate with unique identifier. And transfer data with the help of internet. The big example is automatic vehicles. Person can on car AC without entering in car with car remote key. Such technologies are connected with over the internet and transform data to any object.


The simulations of systems allow assessment of varied scenarios. Once the scenarios are assessed, cost effective solutions are often developed, tested and implemented much quicker resulting in reduced cost and time to plug .

Autonomous robots

Automatic robots are programmed once and then operate by them self according to command. Manufacturing company need autonomous robots to make industry 4.0. autonomous robots are power on concept on IoT. Materials transform and other task in company floor are perform via Autonomous Mobile Robot.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality use to provide real time information for better interactive solution with electronic system. For example, alignment of car tyre which reflect in other electronic device in a 3D view for better judgment. And operator can easily perform alignment process within a minute.

Cyber Security

When things come to make devices automatic via cloud computing and IoT, the security factor is also very important. Because security make technology more reliable and enable a truly successful implementation in a modern way.

System Integration

Most of the systems are highly automated. So system integration makes communication easy between machines and objects. This may involve common language for data exchange.

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